Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center, Praha, Na Strži

7 000,- Kč
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center, Praha, Na Strži
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center
  • Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center

There is a big shopping mall next to the house. It takes 3min to get to metro Pankrac by foot and 7min to get to the city center by metro. There is also a night bus directly from the center.We have a microwave,an iron with a board, a washing machine, kitchen appliance,towels,cloth beds,soap and other necessary stuffs.

  • 11575272
  • 22.10.2023
  • 954x

TOPování pomocí SMS

7 dní
50 Kč
SMS: BAZ  TBT  11575272
na číslo 903 33 50
14 dní
79 Kč
SMS: BAZ  TBT  11575272
na číslo 903 33 79
19 dní
99 Kč
SMS: BAZ  TBT  11575272
na číslo 903 33 99

Služba je poskytována v síti operátorů Telefonica O2, T-Mobile, Vodafone na území České republiky (www.platmobilem.cz).
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Apartment Pankrac near metro, 7min to the center, Praha, Na Stržifotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofotofoto